Office of the Assistant President for Administrative and Financial Affairs

Summarized Introduction:

In discharge of the tasks entrusted to it by the Presidency of the University, the Office of the Administrative and Financial Assistant provides high-quality services in the management, financial and administrative aspects of the program dedicated to the support of university staff members or external ones who fulfill all relevant rules, guidelines and procedures.

* Units of the Administrative Assistant Office:
- Office manager at unit level, with a group of female staff members with different tasks

Tasks of the Office of the Administrative and Financial Assistant

According to its departments (administrative and financial affairs, legal affairs, construction and projects, student activities, infrastructure management) the Office performs the following tasks:
-Schedules appointments and maintain timetables
-Distributes tasks to staff members and schedule shifts
- Organizes managers' appointments and interviews in addition to the preparation, writing and distribution of meeting summaries and outcomes
- Reads and arranges the incoming mail by various means of communication
- Arranges data inventory regarding appointments of new staff members, resigned staff members and vacations in well-ordered files
- Organizes salary scale and dates of receipt data, updates financial and legal regulations and prepares the planning budget
- Inspects, supervises and announces vacancies
