البث المباشر للتسجيل في جامعة الزهراء (عليها السلام ) للبنات
95 and above
85 - 94.99
7.500.000 د.ع
8.500.000 IQD
Biological + Scientific
90 and above
70 - 89.99
3.000.000 IQD
3.500.000 IQD
Biological + Scientific
90 and above
70 - 89.99
2.000.000 IQD
2.500.000 IQD
Biological + Scientific + Nursing Preparatory
90 and above
70 - 89.99
3.000.000 IQD
4.000.000 IQD
Biological + Scientific
90 and above
70 - 89.99
3.000.000 IQD
3.500.000 IQD
Biological + Scientific
Education Faculty
3.000.000 د.ع
Biological + Scientific + Applied + Teacher Institutes
Education Faculty
1.500.000 IQD
Biological + Scientific + Applied + Teacher Institutes
Education Faculty
1.750.000 IQD
Biological + Scientific + Applied + Teacher Institutes
Education Faculty
1.500.000 IQD
Biological + Scientific + Applied + Teacher Institutes
Free for the first stage
1.500.000 IQD
Biological + Scientific + Applied + Teacher Institutes
Education Faculty
1.500.000 IQD
Biological + Scientific + Applied + Teacher Institutes
80 and above
دون ال80
2.000.000 IQD
2.500.000 IQD
Scientific Branch Grade Average (61) - Vocations Specialization Grade Average (64)
80 and above
دون ال80
2.000.000 IQD
2.500.000 IQD
Scientific Branch Grade Average (61) - Vocations Specialization Grade Average (64)
80 and above
دون ال80
2.000.000 IQD
2.500.000 IQD
Scientific Branch Grade Average (61) - Vocations Specialization Grade Average (64)
85 فما فوق
دون ال85
2.000.000 IQD
2.500.000 IQD
Scientific Branch Grade Average (61) - Industrial Branch Grade Average(64)
85 فما فوق
دون ال85
3.000.000 IQD
3.500.000 IQD
Scientific + Applied Modified Grade Average(69) - Industrial Branch Grade Average(72)
Faculty of Engineering at Al-Zahraa University Invites Female Students
تدعو كلية الهندسة في جامعة الزهراء (عليها السلام) للبنات الطالبات للالتحاق بقسم هندسة الكهرباء والطاقة المتجددة، حيث يوفر البرنامج دراسة ...
Higher Education Reading Award is a positive initiative to boost cultural awareness
قسم المكتبة المركزية في جامعة الزهراء (عليها السلام) للبنات يعلن عن توافر الكتب الخاصة بمسابقة وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي ...
Note: For female students wishing to register in the dormitory of Al-Zahraa University for the academic year 2024-2025,
تنويه : للطالبات الراغبات للتسجيل في الاقسام الداخلية لجامعة الزهراء (عليها السلام ) للعام الدراسي (2024-2025) الدخول للرابط التالي : ...
To Female Graduates of Al-Zahraa University forWomen and Faculty of Education Exclusively
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله عزيزاتي خريجات جامعة الزهراء (عليها السلام) للبنات وكلية التربية حصرًا نزف لجنابكم الكريم أرق التحايا نعرض ...
Al-Zahraa University Came First at WORLD’S UNIVERSITIES REAL IMPACT
فخر واعتزاز، تعلن جامعة الزهراء (عليها السلام ) للبنات عن حصولها على المرتبة الأولى على مستوى الجامعات والكليات الحكومية والأهلية ...
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Events for 1st February
Events for 2nd February
Events for 3rd February
Events for 4th February
Events for 5th February
Events for 6th February
Events for 7th February
Events for 8th February
Events for 9th February
Events for 10th February
Events for 11th February
Events for 12th February
Events for 13th February
Events for 14th February
Events for 15th February
Events for 16th February
Events for 17th February
Events for 18th February
Events for 19th February
Events for 20th February
Events for 21st February
Events for 22nd February
Events for 23rd February
Events for 24th February
Events for 25th February
Events for 26th February
Events for 27th February
Events for 28th February
To download the application of Al-Zahra University (pbuh) for women on Android phones
Do you want to be the part of a brighter future? Enroll today.
Standing in Pride with
What they say
In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Following Umm Abeha and the few of the Messenger, the ministers of love, the edifice of intellectual light and the Muhammadan approach was derived from the building of Al-Zahraa University for Women to be a beacon of knowledge
and thought that derives its light from the march of Al-Zahraa, as a beacon for all those who guided the path of Aal al-Bayt and embodied the morals of the Lady of the Worlds. More

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. From the neighborhood of Mrs. Zainab (Peace be upon her) I send my greetings to all the administrative and teaching staff at Al-Zahraa University This university, which bore the name of the greatest human being in the universe, the integrated human being, and was worthy of this name. It was the edifice that brought out chaste, educated, faithful girls who were influenced by the moral and faithful teaching and administrative staff. Al-Zahraa University, an edifice for science, education and culture. Blessed be your efforts.

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
It is a matter of pride and honor to see a distinguished feminist scientific edifice such as Al-Zahraa University for Women that has a distinct imprint in all fields, whether in scientific, cultural or social field. I especially mention the first international feminist academic forum on the Arbaeen visit, and this is considered one of the modern and developed ideas that launched this year and did not exist previously. It is a professional development that uses the efforts of educated women...
We wish for Al-Zahraa University to continue brilliance and the achievement of the desired goals in service of the city of the Master of Martyrs. More

Live broadcast
AL-Zahraa University Panorama
What they say

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
"من دواعي الفخر والاعتزاز ان نشاهد صرح علمي نسوي متميز مثل جامعة ... " قراءة المزيد

"بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته من جوار السيدة زينب عليها السلام ابعث تحياتي ..." قراءة المزيد

"تيمىناً بأم أبيها وبضعة الرسول وزراء العشق امتشق صرح النور الفكري والنهج المحمدي بنيان جامعة الزهراء للبنات
..." قراءة المزيد

تطبيق الجامعة

Live broadcast
AL-Zahraa University Panorama