The Department of quality and university performance systems in cooperation with Department of continuing Education in AL Zahra University (peace be upon her) for women is organized a scientific work ship entitled (Ethics of educational institution) on Wednesday (8/2/2023) presented by (Mis Hawara Kareem AL hnoon) and there was number of teachers , employers and students of University .
The aim of a workshop was as follow :
1-Identify the concept , sources , and the principles of ethics and ethics in Islamica law .
2-Addressing professiona ethics and identifying the most impotant values and characteristics that workers in educational institutions must have .
3- Test design according to the digital cognitive color pyramid . .
4- Edward Deming’s methodology for continuous process improvement. .
5- Quality in work and teaching and the importance of quality in tests and its relationship to teaching ethics.
The workshop conciuded that professional ethics is not a stand – alone science or academic subject, but rather a self-culture of behavior nature . Therefore , professional ethics remains obsessed with forming a system of values that goven a person ‘s relationships with himseil and with others.
Aworkship has got many important recommendations .
1-That the employees in the educational insititution make their ethics a top priority in their work , in which the consideration of the public interest is cultivated before the personal interest and the constant endeavor to strengthen the moral value in their behavior in word and deed as well as their commitment to regulations and laws in their field of work.
1-That the employees in the educational insititution make their ethics a top priority in their work , in which the consideration of the public interest is cultivated before the personal interest and the constant endeavor to strengthen the moral value in their behavior in word and deed as well as their commitment to regulations and laws in their field of work.2-That the quality of their relation with their subordinates and colleagues be characterized by objectivity , honesty , and the consolidation of the principles of cooperation and integration.
3- ان تعزيز الأخلاقيات في أي مهنة هي ضرورة أوجبتها قيمة المهنة، وبالتالي فوجود تلك الأخلاقيات في مهنة التعليم هو مطلب أساسي وحتمي فرضته قدسية المهنة، لما لها من دور مهم في تربية الأجيال القادمة وإعدادهم للمستقبل وصولًا إلى غد تربوي أفضل.
وختمت الورشة بفسح المجال لاستفسارات الطالبات ونقاشاتهن.