Given the importance of scholarships particularly for graduating students, the Rehabilitation, Employment and Follow-up Division held a workshop on (Global Scholarships), delivered by the President of the International Academy for Leadership and Development: Dr. Moaz Salem Abdel Rahman, on Sunday, 31/3/2024, at um Abiha Hall.
The seminar included the definition of the most important grants and the advantages they offer, as well as donors in the world. Besides, there was
a period of time allotted to answering some questions, including: What does the donor benefit from giving grants. The seminar also included a set of interrogative interventions from attending students.
Translated by Ekram Ayad and edited by Asst.Lect. Inam Mohamed
Translation unit
Translated by Ekram Ayad and edited by Asst.Lect. Inam Mohamed
Translation unit