The evaluation exam, which is considered to be a crucial exam conducted under the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research for the second, third, and fourth stages of study, in the presence of a ministerial delegation to monitor its progress and preparation mechanism, began at the Faculty of Health and Medical Technologies, Department of Physical Therapy Techniques at Al-Zahraa University for women, in partnership with the University of Baghdad. The exam acquires particular importance as a tool to evaluate student’s understanding and comprehension of the basic materials and their practical application, has been organized in a way that includes both theoretical and practical aspects, which allows for a comprehensive assessment of the skills and knowledge that female students gain during the study and follow-up on their application in a way that ensures the success of the information transmission to students in accurate and scientific manner in addition to enhancing their abilities to apply practical concepts and skills in the field of physical therapy techniques.
The Faculty of Health and Medical Technologies follows the example of the Faculty of Pharmacy and the faculty of Education at the university in the evaluation exam experience.
Appropriate conditions were made available starting with the examination halls as well as book references to secure success in accordance with the goal set by the university to warrant the integrity of education, performance evaluation and achieving academic teaching excellence in addition to raising the educational level of female students.
Translated by Ekram Ayad and edited by Asst.Lect.Inam Mohamed
Translation Unit
Translated by Ekram Ayad and edited by Asst.Lect.Inam Mohamed
Translation Unit