In a step aimed at enhancing academic and scientific collaboration, Al-Zahraa University for Women signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Islamic University of Science and Technology of the Turkish city Gaziantep.

Prof. Dr. Zainab Al-Mulla Al-Sultani, President of Al-Zahraa University, attended the signing ceremony,
along with the deans of the University's scientific faculties and Prof. Dr. Sheikhmos Demir, President of the Islamic University of Science and Technology. Both parties emphasized the importance of this cooperation in the achievement of academic excellence.

The memorandum seeks to facilitate the exchange of academic and research expertise between the two universities. Furthermore, it is intended to foster cooperation in the development of educational programs and the organization of such joint activities as conferences and workshops. The agreement also provides opportunities for students and faculty staff exchange, contributing thus to the consolidation of cultural and scientific ties.

Prof. Dr. Zainab Al-Mulla Al-Sultani emphasized that this collaboration reflects the University's vision towards forging outstanding academic partnerships with leading international universities. Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Sheikhmos Demir expressed his optimism for achieving significant accomplishments through this fruitful collaboration.

It is worthy of note that this memorandum represents a strategic step that builds on a series of agreements concluded with various universities inside and outside Iraq, with a view to advance higher education and enriching scientific research in educational institutions.