“Drugs: A Lethal Disaster and a Legally Punishable Crime,” was the theme of an educational lecture organized under the aegis of Prof. Dr. Zainab Al-Mulla Al-Sultani, President of Al-Zahraa University for Women. The said event was held by the University’s Department of Special Education, in cooperation with its Women’s Affairs Division. The session featured a keynote address by Colonel Engineer Ihsan Youssef Jalil, Director of Media Department at Police Command of the Holy Province of Karbala. The lecture was also attended by specialists in social affairs, law, and psychology. Furthermore, Colonel Ihsan managed to shed light on the fundamental issue of curbing drug proliferation, with a special focus on comprehensive visions underpinned by analysis of the psychosocial determinants that push some individuals to fall prey to substance dependence. It bears noting that Al-Zahraa University for Women endeavors to discharge its educational and social responsibility by raising awareness about the legal, medical, as well as societal perils of drug abuse. Such initiative was also meant to promote scholarly research into viable solutions to crackdown on such dire public health concern.

Translated by Zahra' Ala', revised by Asst. Lect. Inam Mohammed