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The Department of the Central Library at Al-Zahra University (peace be upon her) for women hosted the Ministerial Committee represented by Professor (M. M. Marwan Abdel-Razzaq), responsible for the Library Development Division in Iraqi universities, and (M. Dr. Sinan Hussam Mahdi), director of the Pioneering Project Management Department.
It was a part of their inspection tour of public and private universities in the holy city of Karbala. A meeting between the officials and the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs (Professor Dr. Zuhair Muhammad Ali Jadoua) and some faculty members as well as
(Ms. Hanan Al-Saadi) Director of the Central Library Department at the university to supervise the work of libraries was organized.
The committee expressed its sincere admiration for the library’s organization and management, and also remarked after critical observations certain points that shall be taken under consideration.